Contact: Eva K. Blazejewski
Roadrunner Law Firm Injury Lawyers
Phone: 505-444-4321
Court Orders Maximum Recovery for Plaintiffs in Fatal Cycling Accident Involving New Mexico Judge.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M – Roadrunner Law Firm has successfully secured a landmark victory in the New Mexico Court of Appeals, holding the Seventh Judicial District Court accountable for a tragic 2019 cycling accident that claimed one life and severely injured another.
The case stemmed from a devastating incident on September 21, 2019, when District Judge Shannon Murdock’s vehicle struck two cyclists outside Mountainair, New Mexico. Billy Weinman was killed instantly, and Karl Baumgartner suffered critical injuries requiring emergency airlift to UNM Hospital.
Attorneys from Roadrunner Law Firm, representing Karl and Samantha Baumgartner, successfully argued that Judge Murdock was acting within her official duties at the time of the accident, making her employer liable under the New Mexico Tort Claims Act.
The New Mexico Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s ruling that the Seventh Judicial District Court bears vicarious liability for Judge Murdock’s negligence, as she was returning from an official drug court event in Socorro when the accident occurred.
“The Court of Appeals agreed with us that just because you’re driving a personal vehicle, it doesn’t mean your employer is off the hook for your actions,” said Eva Blazejewski. “While no amount of compensation can truly make up for the tragic loss of life and severe injuries sustained, we hope this outcome provides some support for the victims and their families as they try to move forward.”
The accident occurred on a clear day on a straight stretch of Highway 60, where the cyclists were legally riding along the right margin of the roadway in bright clothing. Edgewood’s “The Independent News” reports that Judge Murdock admitted to negligently operating her vehicle, settling her portion of the case.
The successful appeal has resulted in compensation reaching the tort claim maximum limits for the victims, with the Seventh Judicial District Court ordered to pay the max amount allowable by New Mexico law.
The Seventh Judicial District Court attempted to appeal the ruling to the New Mexico Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, cementing the ruling of the Appeals Court, and bringing an end to the lawsuit that began with the accident in 2019.
Roadrunner Law Firm is a New Mexico law firm focusing on personal injury law, with a record of high-profile victories for victims of car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and negligent security.